Debuted in CMLL as Brazo de Plata Jr. Like the other sons of Brazos, took up a new gimmick in summer 2005 to create own identity, though it was pretty clear who he previous was. He's was the largest of the third generation of the Brazos, and was initially the one with the least impact, not making much of an impression. Jumped to AAA around the same time as his father (fall 2006) and went back to the Brazo de Plata Jr. name. Didn't fare any better in AAA and spent large stretches off TV in the year under that name.
Redebuted as Psycho Clown, as part of the Psycho Circus. It hasn't been acknowledged that it's the same man, but it's not been a well kept secret. A new Brazo de Plata Jr. would take up the name for a while after that. Turned tecnico in 2010, continued to be pushed strong, was betrayed by his teammates in 2016, and after that became one of the top tecnicos in AAA. Headlined 4 Triplemanías: 24, 25, 26, and 29.
At the end of 2024 he took over Bandido's Gym/Arena Big Lucha in Mexico City and renamed it Psicopata del Ring Gym Center/Arena XLL. He announced his new promotion XLL to start on 2024.12.25.