Northen Tag Team championship w/Gallo Tapado, Americas Championship
Ferderico Ramirez debuted in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, wearing a blue mask with no top (allowing his hair to spill out), two white stars around the eyes, and an open mouth with mask hooking under the chin.
In their careeer won 24 masks and 15 hairs in lucha de apuesta, important hairs of top wrestlers like as Negro Casas, La Fiera and Coloso Colosseti.
Federico Ramirez Debuta en Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua el diseño de su mascara era de agujeta sin casco de color azul, permitiendo que salga el cabello de la parte superior de la cabeza, con dos estrellas blancas en los ojos y un agujero hasta la barbilla en la boca.
En su carrera gano 24 mascaras y 15 cabelleras en luchas de apuesta, importantes cabelleras de grandes luchadores como Negro Casas, La Fiera y Coloso Colosseti.
(1) Rocky & cinta are masked wrestlers in that time, (2) Relevos australianos suicidas, in this match Superzan loss the mask, but it is not known who's the winner of the mask of Superzan and if it was the original Alfonso Mora or an imposter, (3)Seconds local radio announcers hair was on the line