Got his start in Guadalajara, and turned up in YouTube clips for his spectacular spots as Metalik. Formed a Fuerza M técnico trio with Metatron and Metal Blanco, but was clearly on the fast track to Mexico City. Won the Occidente Welterweight Championship before he left and didn't lose it before the name change; titles in limbo were not unusual for Guadalajara in this era.
Wresteled for a few months in CMLL as Metalik, looking spectacular but inconsistent. CMLL had Mascarita Dorada reintroduce him as his full sized associate, Máscara Dorada. CMLL billed Máscara Dorada as a brand new wrestler, only later acknowledging his former identity. Echoing the debut of Grey Shadow the prior year, Dorada was given a big push out of the gate but was rejected by the Mexico City's audience due to frequent botched spots. Dorada's disappionting performance appeared to be the breaking point for CMLL's relationship with the trainers who were running Arena Coliseo Guadalajara at the time; they were removed, with new trainers Gran Cochisse and Satanico (part time) criticizing the work of the previous management when taking over.
Dorada was shuffled to lower on the card, and given on the job retraining. For many months, Dorada squared off with either Virus or Felino in every match, with the veterans forcing him to improve. Dorada regained some lost confidence and turned into a more solid midcard performer. CMLL rewarded him by having him win the reborn CMLL World Super Lightweight Championship, winning a cibernetico over wrestlers who were normally positioned a spot or two below him.
Had a fairly uneventful run in WWE as Gran Metalik, as part of the Lucha House Party group alongside Kalisto and Lince Dorado. They were never pushed and never got over. Since leaving has pretty much taken exclusively US bookings. Announced he was reverting to the Metalik ring name on his debut for ROH in 2023 as he actually owns that name, unlike the murky situation with Máscara Dorada.