Rey Apóstol

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there's also an Acapulco wrestler with the same name

Rey Apostol (Apostle King)
Rey Apostol (Apostle King)
Name Rey Apostol (Apostle King)
Real name Gustavo Becerra Román
Name history Rey Apostol, Apostol, Spider-Man
Family Dr. Kaoma (father), Lobo Rubio (uncle), Kaoma Jr., Chamaco Becerra (brothers)
Maestro(s) Dr. Kaoma, Garringo, Tony Salazar
Birth date, location October 21, 1971- Matamoros, Tamaulipas
Obituary date
Debut, location 1989
Lost mask to Never lost it, but his real name is known thanks to his ordination.
Signature moves
Titles: UXF Tag Team Championships (with 5X)


A local wrestler in the Monterrey area. Was legitimately involved with the Church early in his career, which gave him his name; in 2023, he announced his decision to retire and become a priest.


with Princesa Sujei