Rayo Chapin

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Rayo Chapin
Rayo Chapin
Name Rayo Chapin
Real name M.R.M
Name history Rayo Chapin
Maestro(s) Oswaldo Johnson
Birth date, location 22-12-56
Obituary date
Debut, location 1974
Lost mask to Never
Height 1.65
Weight 1. 66
Signature moves The master of the ring
Titles: =South America Welterweight Championship,European Middleweight Championship (Panama)


Rayo Chapin is a Masked Wrestling Legend, he never lost the mask, but he won the mask of: Osito de Peralvillo, Lutor, El Duende, Corsario, Corsario II, Corsario III, Alacrán, Landrue “El Asesino francés”, Espectro de Ultratumba, The Greenman (Dick Angelo)