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The Mexicools was a WWE stable (2005-2006), as part of their SmackDown group. The members were Juventud Guerrera, Super Crazy, and Psicosis. They started as heels protesting how Mexicians were treated in the US by overplaying Mexican stereotypes and vaguely threatening to take over. The group turned face, initated by having heel rivals, until it's final disengration.

Juvi, who won the WWE World Cruiserweight Championship as part of the group, was fired from WWE on January 6, 2006, due to general (and typical for him at this point in his career) unprofessional behavior. Juvi has since claimed he was let go only because his work visa expired and they could not get it renewed, but there's no proof of this besides Juvi's story. Juvi ended up back with AAA, and formed a Mexicools knock off group called the Mexipowers.

Super Crazy and Psicosis continued on as a tag team, but split apart in June 2006, with Psicosis turning on his partner.