Ice Killer

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Ice Killer
Ice Killer
Name Ice Killer
Real name Juan Carlos Varela
Name history El Canalla I (The Scoundrel I), Ice Killer (5/14/92-)
Family Martha Valero (wife, publisher of El Halcon magazine), Hector Valero (father-in-law, publisher of El Halcon magazine), Hieloco (son), Hielera, Ice Queen (daughters), Canalla II (brother)
Maestro(s) Osiris, Pantera Roja, Jungla Negra
Birth date, location August 22, 1960
Obituary date March 30, 2021 (aged 60)
Debut, location 1979
Lost mask to
Signature moves
Titles: Distrito Federal Tag Team Championship (w/ Halcón Tarín)

Former leader of the wrestler's union in Mexico City. Early AAA rudo, with his best run in 1994. Unlike most stars from that era, seemed to vanish after that stretch until recent appearances (which usually means he played another character or had another career). His son Hieloco, that accompanies him on the ring, is reportedly the youngest luchador ever, being only 3 years old. [1]


as Canalla II
canallas I & II
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