Nocturno (Jalisco)

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Revision as of 22:31, 29 December 2017 by Rodal (talk | contribs) (→‎Profile: It began in the State Council for Sports Promotion (CODE Jalisco), training Greco-Roman Wrestling under the instruction of Quetzalcoatl Origel; competed on several occasions representing the State of Jalisco in the Mexican Olympic Committee,)
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Name Nocturno
Real name
Name history Nocturno
Maestro(s) Gran Cochisee, Tóxico, Loco Estrada y Satánico
Birth date, location
Obituary date
Debut, location 2009, Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
Lost mask to
Height 1.70 m
Weight 70 Kg
Signature moves german suplex, spinning wheel, knot and night rose
Titles: couples champion of the state of Jalisco twice, regional lightweight champion of the Azteca Arena


Arena Coliseo Guadalajara early match luchador (and probable trainee) in 2009 and 2010. Disappeared for a few years, turns up local indies irregularly.
