Babe Rap

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Babe Rap
Babe Rap
Name Babe Rap
Real name
Name history Babe Rap (2004 - current), Principe Diamante (AAA; 2005)
Birth date, location ?? Monclova Coahuila
Obituary date
Debut, location
Lost mask to
Signature moves Corkscrew Plancha, Double Corkscrew Plancha, Shooting Star Press


Promising youngster who first appeared on the Northern Mexico scene in 2004. Got over big with crowds for his amazing shooting star press variation and various tornillos. Was given a chance to work in AAA as Principe Diamante in late 2005 but an injury cut that short. Left the business soon afterwards. A new Principe Diamante arrived on the scene in 2007 and was assumed to be Babe Rap returning to the ring but it was soon revealed this was a new wrestler who had gotten permission to use the gimmick. To make things even more confusing - Babe Rap himself returned to wrestling soon afterwards and even teamed with the successor to his Principe Diamante gimmick. Mainly works shows in Northern Mexico these days and is a regular dark match wrestler when AAA runs TV tapings in the area. As a sidenote: Jack Evans has stated he is a big fan of Babe Rap.


as Principe Diamante
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